7: Failing Forward with Josh Steimle

Today Josh Steimle of MWI Marketing Agency joins us to talk about his highs and lows in decision making and his business, how he came to those decisions, and how we can learn from them. Josh is over in China right now to help open a new office – tune in to hear more of […]

6: The Difference Between Being Strategic and Being Perfect

Being strategic doesn’t mean having the perfect plan or delivering the perfect product. The best strategies build on themselves. In this episode, I help you push even further and continually create value over time, rather than beating yourself up to begin perfect.

5: A Conversation with Yuri Kruman

In this episode, I speak to Yuri Kruman, Millenial Transformation Strategist, about his experience shifting through many different careers. Yuri will share some stories about his journey and discuss the principles he’s followed to get to where he is today. If you would like to learn more about Yuri Kruman’s work, visit Masterthetalk.com or contact […]

4: Conversation with Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones – Uncertainty as a Friend

A major part of the human condition is uncertainty, but being able to persevere through the uncertainty can help you to focus on what matters most. In this episode, I’ll be speaking with Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, businessman and founder of “The Black Farmer” range of food products. As a young person, he made a promise to […]

3: Conversation with Jeremy Slate – Failing on the Way to Success

We learn and grow through the difficult times and the points in our lives when we need to persevere. In this episode, I’ll be talking to Jeremy Slate, host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast and co-founder of Command Your Brand Media. We’ll be discussing his experience as an entrepreneur and the shifts that […]

2: Injecting Intention

Today’s podcast is all about how to inject intention into any situation – no matter how intense or emotional it may be. Someone who is led by emotions alone will always be a victim of their situation, but by injecting intention and aligning your actions with your goals, you can elevate your career to the […]

1: Massive Strategic Reactions

If you’re not ready to make strategic reactions in your life, you could be missing out on some of the biggest opportunities. You don’t have to hit rock bottom to have a major strategic reaction that sets you up for greater success. In this episode I’ll be talking about my experience with a major strategic […]